3 Exercises To Understand What Your Customers Think Of Your Brand

A guide on how to understand how customers perceive your brand and how they feel about it, by using three exercises: conducting customer surveys, analyzing social media mentions, and hosting focus groups

January 19, 2023



3 Exercises To Understand What Your Customers Think Of Your Brand

As a business owner, it's important to understand how your customers feel about your brand. This can help you identify areas for improvement, create more effective marketing campaigns, and build customer loyalty. Here are three exercises that can help you understand how your customers really feel about your brand:

Conduct customer surveys

One of the most effective ways to gather customer feedback is to conduct surveys. You can use online tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to create and distribute surveys to your customers. Be sure to ask open-ended questions that allow your customers to share their thoughts and feelings about your brand in their own words.

  • Ask participants to place a ranking along a axis of characteristics (boring vs exciting, modern vs traditional, etc)
  • Compare your brand to your competition
  • Ask how they currently solve the problem your product tries to solve

Analyze social media mentions

Social media is a great way to get a pulse on how your customers feel about your brand. Monitor your brand's mentions on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see what customers are saying about you. Pay particular attention to negative comments or complaints, as they can provide valuable insights into areas where you can improve.

Host focus groups

Focus groups are a great way to gather in-depth feedback from a small group of customers. You can use a moderated discussion format to ask questions and gather insights about your brand. Consider hosting focus groups in person or using video conferencing tools to conduct them remotely.

  • Use mentimeter.com to get live results to survey questions during your focus group and discuss the answers
  • Ask participants to reflect on a comment or question posed by another participant
  • Show them an image or video to react to once they've expressed their own feelings and thoughts

By conducting customer surveys, analyzing social media mentions, and hosting focus groups, you'll be able to gather valuable insights into how your customers really feel about your brand. Use this information to make informed decisions about your business and improve the customer experience.